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Large posters

Get your message out with our high quality large posters! Our posters are printed on either photo quality, glossy paper stock or a 12 Point C2S. 8mil Photo Gloss is a Pigment / Dye / QuickDry - Photo Quality Glossy material that’s slightly delicate. Keep in mind the material is not scuff resistant or waterproof. 12 point C2S Blockout Posters are thicker and more durable, with a semi-gloss surface and block out center layer for 100% opacity. If you’re looking to print large scale photos for Conferences, Trade Shows, Product Launches, Events, Contests or the like, our custom large posters are the ideal product for you.

Grommet options available on 12pt C2S Posters
Sturdy and Durable
Fast turnarounds
Completely light-blocking

Popular Uses & Ideas

Thicker than Average Posters
Messaging at Conferences, Trade Shows and Events
Extra Durable Posters

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